24-hour hotline : 23 922 922
Ref : TRA CR 1220/1
5 January 2024
Strategic Trade Controls Circular No. 2/2024
E-Services Through Trade Single Window
This circular serves to inform the trade that registered users of the Trade Single Window (“TSW”) can now submit applications for the following four types of strategic commodities (“SC”) licences / certificates (“SC documents”) and obtain the issued SC documents electronically through the TSW:
(a) Import (Strategic Commodities) Licence,
(b) Export (Strategic Commodities) Licence,
(c) International Import Certificate (IIC), and
(d) Delivery Verification Certificate (DVC).
Trade Single Window (“TSW”)
2. TSW (
www.tradesinglewindow.hk) is a one-stop electronic platform for registered users to lodge import and export trade documents with the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region online. Implementation of the TSW will overhaul and enhance document submission workflows between relevant government departments and the trade, which will help the trade save time and cost, enhance the efficiency of cargo clearance in Hong Kong, and maintain Hong Kong's status as a prominent international trade centre and logistics hub.
TSW vs SC E-Accounts vs Paper Applications
3. The service of the “
Strategic Commodities Import/Export Licence” has been newly added to TSW. For more details, traders are advised to refer to the message from the Single Window Project Management Office, Commerce and Economic Development Bureau (See “
Appendix I”).
4. The use of TSW is voluntary. Trade and Industry Department (“TID”) will continually maintain in parallel all the existing ways for submitting and issuing SC documents, i.e., through E-Accounts in the SC Website (E-SC Accounts) or Paper Applications. Nonetheless, Hong Kong companies engaged in importing / exporting SC are strongly encouraged to register with TSW to enjoy the 100% electronic and paperless experiences for receiving SC documents:
Types of Applicants |
“e-Cert"* Required? |
Licences / Certificates |
Paper submission |
E-issuance |
Paper issuance |
Applicants submitted Paper Applications
X |
X |
O |
X |
O |
SC E-Account Users
O |
O |
X |
X |
O |
TSW users subscribed and linked up “Strategic Commodities Import/Export Licence” service
(“Linked-up” Users)
O |
O |
X |
O |
O |
*"Organisational e-Cert" issued by Hongkong Post or "Organisational ID-Cert Class 2" issued by Digi-Sign Certification Services Limited
How to become “Linked-up” Users and use the e-services?
5. After successfully registered as a TSW user
2, traders can subscribe and link-up to the service of the “Strategic Commodities Import/Export Licence” on TSW. Traders are advised to refer to the “
User Guidelines for Conducting Link-up between E-SC and Trade Single Window” (See “
Appendix II”). Existing SC E-Account users can do it immediately. For those without a SC E-Account, verification is required. The process will normally take no more than 2.5 clear working days. Complicated cases may however need a longer processing time.
6. Having conducted a successful link-up, traders will become “linked-up” users. They can access via TSW the e-services for SC documents, including e-issuance which is
exclusively provided to “linked-up” users. They have the option of obtaining and printing out for use the trader’s copy of SC documents online at TSW platform. Nonetheless, they may still collect the SC documents in person at Integrated Customer Service Centre. The printed copy and the hard copy physically collected from TID are both regarded as official copy and can be used in the same way.
Verification of Licence Authenticity by QR Code
7. For authenticity verification sake, a QR code has been inserted at the lower right-hand corner of all Import/Export licences (Strategic Commodities) since 27 November 2023. By scanning the QR code, the departmental copy of licence will be retrieved and shown. If any irregularity is found, traders should notify TID as soon as possible. Specimens of licences are available at Download and Sample of Forms .
8. Enquires can be made as follow:
Issue |
Responsible Office |
Telephone |
Email |
TSW registration and related matters
Office of Trade Single Window Operation (“OTSWO”) |
2117 3348 |
enquiry@tradesinglewindow.hk |
SC E- SC Accounts or Licensing matters
Strategic Trade Controls Branch of TID |
2398 5659 |
stc@tid.gov.hk |
Strategic Trade Controls Branch
Trade and Industry Department
Note 1 : For details on the use of “e-Cert”, please refer to STC website.
Note 2 : Traders can register as TSW user online by providing the required information, including personal particulars, an email address and supporting document(s). Upon (i) receipt of accurate and complete registration information and relevant supporting documents and (ii) activation of user account, normally the OTSWO will verify and approve your registration within two working days. For details on registration, please refer to TSW website .
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