The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR or Hong Kong hereinafter) is a free port. It is the Government's policy to encourage free flow of goods. Where controls on imports and exports are required, they are imposed on health, safety, environmental protection, anti-smuggling reasons or to secure Hong Kong’s access to high technology products. Among the controlled items are strategic commodities administered by the Trade and Industry Department.
The control on import and export of strategic commodities includes munitions items, chemical and biological weapons and their precursors, nuclear materials and equipment, and dual-use goods that are capable to be developed into weapons of mass destruction.
In addition, the Department imposes end-use control on products that are used in connection with the development of weapons of mass destruction. These controls are to prevent Hong Kong from being used as a conduit for the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
For the leaflet about strategic commodities control, please click
here to download.
Strategic Trade Control
The Import and Export Ordinance (Chapter 60, Laws of Hong Kong) and its subsidiary legislation, the Import and Export (Strategic Commodities) Regulations provide the legal basis for implementing strategic trade control in Hong Kong.
The strategic trade control system in Hong Kong is made up of a licensing system administered by the Trade and Industry Department and an enforcement system under the purview of the Customs and Excise Department.
Import, export and transhipment of strategic commodities are subject to licensing control in Hong Kong. The transit of “more sensitive” items also requires import and export licences. More details can be found at
Legal Basis of Control.
Goods Subject to Strategic Trade Control
Not all goods imported into/exported from Hong Kong are subject to strategic trade control in Hong Kong. The
Schedules to the Import and Export (Strategic Commodities) Regulations list the goods for which a licence is required for import into/export from Hong Kong.
In determining whether a product is a strategic commodity and hence subject to import/export licensing control, you may:
More details can be found at
Scope of Control.
Apply for Import or Export Licences
Complete a licence application form (through e-channel or paper mode), and send it together with supporting documentation to the Trade and Industry Department for processing.
Normally, straightforward cases are processed in 2.5 clear working days. Complicated cases may take longer time to process. Please therefore apply well in advance.
More details can be found at
Tips for Applying Licences.
The Customs and Excise Department is responsible for the enforcement of strategic trade control in Hong Kong. Any person who imports or exports any article specified in the Schedules to the Import and Export (Strategic Commodities) Regulations not under and in accordance with an import or export licence issued by the Director-General of Trade and Industry commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $500,000 and to imprisonment for 2 years on summary conviction; and to an unlimited fine and to imprisonment for 7 years on conviction on indictment.
More details can be found at
For more information, please contact the Integrated Customer Service Centre
Address: Room 1324, 13/F, Trade and Industry Tower, 3 Concorde Road, Kowloon City, Hong Kong
Hotlines: Licensing Section - 2398 5575
Classification Section - 2398 5587